The Last Hour // Gateway Church Podcast Episode 159

Questions Release Date: June 21, 2023

At the end of the sermon you said “we’re living in the last hour and we don’t have time to waste our lives on anything but being obedient to God’s will and obeying his commands and living for his glory. What does that look like in terms of hobbies and sports? Like is that wasting our life? Should we be doing mission work all the time? (3:15)

You kind of touched on this in the sermon but when it comes to memorizing scripture, I find myself mixing up chapters and it almost feels like sometimes I’m going backwards. Do you have any advice or tools or tricks to help those who are trying to memorize larger sections of scripture? (6:20)

You were talking about in the sermon about being given the power of the holy spirit and the Holy Spirit living in us. Can we do the same things now that the apostles could do? Like could we heal people through the power of the Holy Spirit like Peter did? (3:10)

Josh’s questions/thoughts on sermon

What room in your house best reflects your personality? (17:15)

When you heard me say “we’re living in the last hour — the end times, the last days — what goes through your mind? What emotions do you experience? (18:55)

Age of abandonment section: I talked quite a bit about the corporate time of worship. Why do you think it’s so easy for us to abandon the gathering to worship? What do you do to keep it a priority? (20:45)

Can you explain what is meant in verse 27 where it says, “…and you have no need that anyone should teach you”? Don’t we come to church on Sunday mornings to be taught? (24:20)