Podcast Episode 145
Release Date: February 21, 2023
Tags: Adultery, 7th Commandment
9 things you should know about revivals in America (36:10)
Was there any call to action for those who practiced polygamy during the establishment of the early church? How would it be possible to repent of the sin of adultery for those who were married to more than one spouse at the time without divorcing the others.. which seems to also be sinful. Do we have any ancient extracanonical texts that speak into what the expectation was? (6:15)
Verses 7:53 – 8:11 in John’s gospel were not in the earliest manuscripts. Should we view this passage as authoritative?
The second part of this question regards the same passage. Is Jesus’ response about those who have not sinned casting the first stone prescriptive or descriptive? If prescriptive, wouldn’t that mean that we, who sin, have no right to execute the death penalty. (9:10)
A question that many people might be asking is.. How can a couple heal after adultery? AND.. What is the church’s role when it knows of a couple going through this? I imagine Pastor Robert would be involved, but do we have any other ways of providing support.. or even disciple? What was the early church’s response? (13:05)
Do you think the church’s hesitancy to talk about sex and sexual immorality has allowed the culture to move unchecked in the direction of immorality? (28:40)
How can the church further the conversation on purity without falling into legalism? (33:25)