Podcast Episode 37: Q&A

Release Date: July 21, 2020


Should pastors on occasion address (from the pulpit) American social sins? (e.g. racism, abortion, etc…) Why don’t you ever preach on the rapture? (3:25)

I came across this passage in Genesis that’s kind of gotten under my skin. It’s chapter 29:1-8. Jacob is running away from Esau and on his way to Laban’s house, he comes across some shepherds. The shepherds are gathering their flocks by a well that’s covered by a stone. Jacob tells them to water their sheep but they say, “We can’t until all the flocks are gathered and the stone has been rolled away from the mouth of the well. Then we will water the sheep.” But after this Jacob rolls away the stone to water Rachel’s sheep. So, my question is… what does this mean? Is it a shadow of Jesus? Am I reading too much into it? (15:20)

As I was reading through 1 Corinthians 5, I got to thinking about the concept of a little leaven leavening the whole lump. Paul is specifically addressing an issue in the church at Corinth about a sexually immoral person and how they need to be removed from the church. The idea is to purge the evil so that we can avoid the appearance of approving sinful conduct and affect the rest of the church body. What would that look like today? Should we read this as a recommendation from Paul to this specific church? Or should this be a universal practice for churches today assuming that if Paul said it, it’s probably best that we follow it? (19:05)

In Hosea 6:1, the Israelites are ready to return to the Lord.  And in verse 2, it seems like they want everything back to the way it was supposed to be in 2-3 days.  Do you think it’s fair to interpret these verses as the Israelites looking for a quick fix to their problems? (37:35)