Podcast Episode 31: Q&A

Date: February 20, 2020


What happened to Lazarus when he died? Did his soul go to heaven and then Jesus brought him back from Heaven? (4:15)

With literally no certainties, the gospel is just a gamble. Surely there are, in fact, certainties to our faith. The essentials of our faith as stated on Gateway’s website are examples of things members would hopefully affirm as certainties, and the Westminster Confession of Faith is another resource you have mentioned in the past of truths most EPC members would probably call certainties. To use an easy, recent example for our local body – infant baptism – is this a place, for example, where even when you can point to a Biblical foundation, you believe it possible that there would come a day when you affirm the opposite stand? I very much appreciate and respect your willingness in a previous podcast to admit your having once stood in a different position than you now do, but does this mean that you believe it possible you could at some point return to your previous thoughts on this? (The issue not being infant baptism, but only mentioned for illustration!) (6:00)

Discussion on why bad things happen (22:40)