Podcast Episode 24: Q&A

Date: November 21, 2019


Over the past sermon series, are you saying that once we accept Jesus in our hearts, we “exist” in heaven? Can you clarify this thought – does the Bible say that we have our bodies here on earth (surrounded by sin) but that we are simultaneously existing/celebrating in heaven (free from sin)? I’m confused. (8:10)

I’ve been told in this particular EPC church, leadership roles for women are limited to music, children and women. Growing up Catholic, I’m comfortable with that format. However, I felt compelled to come forward & pray for you [Sunday evening], but when only men walked to the mic, I questioned my “place” to do that and was intimidated to lead others in that setting. Would that have been appropriate? (11:20)

Pastor Craig made some good points like “be silent,“ “be quiet,“ and even about the meaning in Hebrew “shut up!” But we are also taught to “pray continually.“ Please advise us on how we achieve the proper balance of talking and listening. Is there scripture for this, too? (20:45)

When praying, are we called to continually pray for the same thing? (An example being the salvation of a parent or friend.) Or, as we come to the throne of Christ in prayer, do we let our words be few and trust that God has heard us? Repetition of the same request or a heartfelt one time request? (27:20)

Pastor Josh, as you struggle with being introverted, your church family shows empathy; as some of your church family struggles with praying out loud, we ask for your empathy. (28:10)

Josh mentioned the need to sing at a worship service. Are Christians required to sing? Is it a sin not to sing? As someone who is quieter by nature, I typically listen rather than singing. I’ve always been quieter than my friends at services and the loud contemporary music makes it difficult for me to rest and focus on God. A related question is do we have to “do a lot” on Sunday to really worship: sing, pray, talk, serve? I do a lot of Christian acts of service Saturdays, and I enjoy resting from doing a lot at a weekend service. And is worship always doing and acting? (38:15)