Release Date: 2/11/24
I have many questions about the Bible. Several around salvation and what that truly looks like. Who do I ask these questions to? (3:00)
- By Barry Cooper Can I Really Trust the Bible
- By Greg Gilbert Why Trust the Bible?
- By John Stevens How Can I Be Sure?
- By Mike McKinley Am I Really a Christian?
How do you know if you are experiencing God’s discipline or going through a trial? (5:35)
The Bible tells us that God created everything and is in everything. Nothing on earth is without God’s doing. So did God create sin? God created Satan. God created each of us and knows us. God decides what is good and right. Everything that happens is because God allows it. This is so difficult for our human minds to consider when you think of the terrible things that happen to people (murder, abuse, tragedy, etc.) We both know that sin separates us from Him. It seems counterintuitive for him to create the one thing that separates us from Him. But the Bible says he created everything. So, he had to create sin, right? He also created the individuals who would choose to do terrible things. I know you have preached on this topic. I am confident with my answer but it is uncomfortable to think about. Can you talk about this a little more please? (7:55)
Does God listen to the Jewish soldiers’ prayers and Psalm 121 that they say before they go to battle today? Certainly God hears the messianic Jews, but what about the other soldiers? (13:25)