Lovers and Haters // Gateway Church Podcast Episode 156

Release Date: June 1, 2023


So with 1 John 2:10 it talks about no more cause for stumbling which entails that we know that Jesus died for us and saved us from our sin and that we would not deny that He did all this for us. But it means that we would still have sin in our lives? Can you expand your thoughts? (2:10)

Are there any other commands that reflect that old but also new nature we saw in this week’s sermon? (7:20)

Is the command to love one another isolated to only loving christian brothers and sisters or also the people in the “dark.” (13:45)

How do you practically show being known by your love for one another? (16:10)

There seems to be a lot of modern ideology of middle gray in philosophy and world outlook, why can’t we be neutral? Why is it only in the light or in the dark? (19:20)

“The darkest place is under the candlestick” is an english proverb that came to mind when you were preaching, It is a proverbial expression that highlights how the area directly beneath a source of light, such as a candlestick, can appear darker due to the obstruction of light. Maybe I’m stretching the analogy a bit but what wisdom or caution do you have for someone who believes they are in the light because they see it infant of them but don’t realize that their feet are still walking in the dark? (26:25)

When you’re in the dark, clothes on a chair can become other worldly monsters in the mind of a child. What are some things that we as Christians should be conscious of that we understand the true nature of but those still in the dark are still struggling with? (32:45)

Josh’s questions/thoughts on sermon

Do you have a nickname? Or a name you preferred to be called? (40:25)

We’re quite a few sermons in for this series. How is First John helping you have confidence in knowing that you believe and have eternal life? (42:20)

In my sermon I said, “And as God’s gospel goes forth — changing the hearts of men and women — more and more areas of our world are lighting up. And the light is getting brighter — for the darkness can’t keep the light hidden. Are there still dark places — deep in the shadows? Yes. But there are places of brilliant light and this is where true disciples of Jesus are found.” It’s so easy to focus on the darkness — social media, news, etc…really highlight the darkness around us — where do you see God’s light shining in the world? Is there anything specific you do to intentionally see the light instead of being focused on the darkness? (44:30)