Episode 208: Westminster Chapter 27

Release date: 2/12/2025

Chapter 27: The Sacraments

  1. I mentioned this in the last episode — in regards to children — and here we see that sacraments distinguish those who belong to the church and those who belong to the world. Again, more food for thought before we get to our episode on baptism and the implications of who should be baptized.
    • Sproul 565
  1. The sacrament points to something (it’s a sign).
    • Baptism points to the death and resurrection of Christ and our being united to him.
    • The bread and cup point to Christ’s body and blood.
  1. The water used for baptism — and the bread and juice used for communion — are not significant or powerful in and of themselves. Nor is the one instituting and administering them. 
    • Sproul 575
  1. There are only two sacraments: baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
  1. This final statement will lead to our next few episodes where we’ll look at baptism and the Lord’s Supper separately.
    • Both New Testament sacraments have an Old Testament counterpart.
    • Circumcision to baptism.
    • Passover to the Lord’s Supper.