Episode 206: Westminster Chapter 24

Release date: 1/29/2025

Chapter 24: Marriage and Divorce

  1. Doctrine is meant to have a practical application. That’s the section of the Westminster that we’re now in.
    1. Sproul 526 (second quote)
  1. If you’ve ever wondered “what’s the purpose of marriage” — biblically — you have your answer.
  1. Obviously, there are laws — in regards to marriage when it comes to the age of the individuals — that we’re to obey.
    1. Why Christians should only marry other Christians. Sproul 532
    2. Far too often the lack of faith, in the unbelieving spouse, influences the faith of the believing spouse. Rarely is it the other way around. Same with dating.
  1. Religious and civil significance.
    1. Ever since our government redefined what marriage means, I’ve stopped being their civil representative. I have not signed a marriage certificate since the Supreme Court’s decision in 2015. I happily perform a Christian marriage ceremony, but cannot — in good conscience — represent the state.
  1. God hates divorce. Yet sin can bring an end to an earthly marriage. (Thank God sin cannot bring an end to our heavenly marriage to Christ.)
    1. Sproul 535 and 536
  1. Far too often, Christians marry, divorce, and remarry without including the church in any way. That is sinful according to God’s Word.
  1. Far too often, Christians marry, divorce, and remarry without including God in their decision-making process. They just assume that he will bless them. That is sinful according to God’s Word.