EPISODE 179: Q&A – Empowering Kids Follow-up

Date: 3/3/2024

Guest – Jennifer Feeney


Introducing the speak Jennifer Feeney – Empowering Kids (1:45) Mama Bear – Guide to Sexuality  Mama Bear – Empowering Your Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies

How can I teach my kids God’s design for sex when I have so much sexual sin in my past? (4:32)

Are elements of pornography snuck into today’s media as a way to normalize it? Or as like a gateway into it? example: sex scenes in R-rated movies. (6:45)

Is “sexting” an ok thing to do within marriage – just between a husband and wife? (13:58)

Does using the word “partner” in place of spouse/ husband/ wife feed into the ideas of homosexuality and transgenderism? (15:47)

Should a Christian use someone’s preferred pronouns? Is this different for adults and kids? For instance, does this change for an adult speaking to another adult who is living transgender? What about an adult to a child who just decided to change their name/pronouns/ how they present? What should we tell our kids to do if they meet a peer who wants to be called by different pronouns? (17:42)

Should a Christian put their preferred pronouns on things, like an online profile, even if it matches their biological gender? (31:55)

What do we do with the proposed policy by the Biden administration that could force foster parents to sign a contract agreeing to promote gender ideology in their homes? (33:30)  (This question is referring to this  policy )

How do we work with students with alternative lifestyles (transitioning genders) who come to our church? Youth group? (39:40)

How do we love and empower kids with the truth that aren’t our own, like kids in the schools? (51:55)

How can the church respond to and reach the LGBTQ+ community while upholding the biblical worldview? Does Gateway have a plan to address this? (53:35)