EPISODE 142: God’s Name Sermon Review and Q&A

Date: 1/24/2023

  1. Sermon clarification (from second service)
  2. #8 – Another Friendly Reminder (https://blog.ayjay.org/another-friendly-reminder/)
    1. Get off social media and stop constantly consuming news. Read a book or something.
  3. Untrustworthy book
  4. #6 – How to get more out of church (https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/erik-raymond/how-to-get-more-out-of-church/)
    1. #2 – sermon manuscripts posted early
    2. #3 – Encourage each other!
    3. #6 – be on time (and don’t rush out)
  5. #24 – Future Church: 8 Church Trends to Watch in 2023 (https://careynieuwhof.com/future-church-trends/)
    1. #1 – Boomers are the least likely demographic to have returned to church.
    2. #3/4 – Digital and in-person church. 
    3. #5 – sermon as anchor
    4. #6 – content curation (WJR)


Will we sleep and have dreams in heaven? God used dreams in the Bible to speak to people even while they were sleeping. Is this how we’d continue to spend time with God forever even in heaven?