Contentment // Gateway Church Podcast Episode 148

Release Date: March 14,  2023

Baptism Resource suggestion from Josh: Covenantal Baptism (Blessings of the Faith): Jason Helopoulos, Foreword by Kevin DeYoung: 9781629957272:


Was it a sin for Rahab to lie? (Joshua 2:4-5) (6:10)

How do I know when something turns from wanting a helpful thing to coveting? (13:15)

In an age of technology, media, consumerism, etc it can be a lot easier to covet- what are some biblical habits or tools that would be helpful for the Christian today to fight against it (17:55)

What do you think of preachers in sneakers? (27:25)

Is it inherently wrong to want nice things? Where’s the line in finding joy in things Gods provided and coveting? (33:45)

I think it can be easy to think ‘how can inwardly coveting the things of others turn devastating’ – do you have some examples? Particularly if it doesn’t come out as outwardly stealing or before others as Achan’s sin (39:20)

In the sermon Matt. 6 was referenced, storing up treasures in heaven vs storing up treasures on earth. I know what storing up treasures on earth looks like, but what does it look like to store up treasures in heaven? What would those treasures be? (44:55)

Can you think of some examples of when we as people try to come up with excuses for why it is okay to break this commandment/ to help talk us out of thinking we aren’t sinning in this way? (47:20)